Comparing the antecedents of boycotts and buycotts: mediating role of self-esteem on
subjective well-being and the moderating effects of materialism
Mehmet Özer, Alper Özer & Akın Koçak, Journal of Marketing Management, 2022
Consumers use different strategies to lead companies to behave environmentally. While
boycotts are the most common ones, buycotts are relatively novel and more research is needed
to understand this new phenomenon. This study aimed to comparatively investigate the
antecedents (self-enhancement, moral obligation, expected efficacy) and consequences (self-
esteem, subjective well-being) of participation in boycotts and buycotts. Besides, self-esteem
is expected to be both a predictor of subjective well-being and also a mediator between
participation intention and subjective well-being. The study also investigates the moderating
effects of materialism on the impacts of participation motivations. According to the results, all
hypotheses related to direct and indirect effects were supported, and the relationships were
observed differently for boycotts and buycotts. Also, we found some significant moderator
effects of materialism.
Seminar, Mehmet Özer
June 27, 2022 I 20.00